Zucchini & Organic Chicken Sausage

I eat protein with every meal. I am always switching up my protein because who wants to eat the same thing for every meal? Not me. I finally found a brand of chicken sausages that have minimal organic ingredients AND taste amazing.  Even my dad likes these. You can buy these online or at Mothers Market.  You can cook sausages either on the stove or grill. I prefer to grill the sausages since everything tastes better on the grill. I always add either veggies, carbs, or both to my meals BUT these sausages are super filling so I usually only go with veggies.  Always listen to your body though, if your body wants carbs then give it some carbs!






  1. Cut zucchini in longer ½- inch thick slices and spray avocado oil, season with Himalayan sea salt, garlic powder, and balsamic vinegar
  2. Grill for 3-5 minutes on either side

Chicken Mushroom Sausage

  1. Grill for five minutes on each side


  1. Toss chicken sausage (I usually cut into pieces) with arugula, add in zucchini, and lemon juice for dressing.