coconut sugar

Pumpkin Cookies


Pumpkin cookies.png



  1. Pre heat oven to 350
  2. Blend (or mix) everything together expect the toppings of course.
  3. Using spoon or 1/4 cup, place batter onto parchment paper
  4. Bake for 15-20 minutes. Make sure to watch the cookies. These take a little longer because of the pumpkin. 
  5. Top with Coconut Cult!



Banana Bread




  • 3  ripe bananas
  • 2 eggs
  • ¼ cup coconut sugar
  • ½ cup coconut flour
  • 3 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1 tsp Himalayan sea salt
  • 1tsp baking soda
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • avocado oil


  1. Preheat oven to 350 and spray avocado oil in a 4X8 loaf pan
  2. In a mixing bowl, mash ripe bananas with a fork until completely smooth. Stir the melted coconut oil into mashed bananas
  3. Mix baking soda and salt. Still sugar, beaten eggs, and vanilla extract. Mix in the coconut flour
  4. Pour the batter into loaf pan. Bake for 45-50 minutes.
  5. Remove from oven and let completely cool